E-Appointments - Scope
The Department of Health for one of the developed countries is trying to bring the doctors and patients together into a single market place. According to their research, patients want to be more involved in making decisions and choosing their healthcare.
Most of the patients who are offered a choice of hospital view the experience as positive and valuable.
Keeping this in mind, the E-Appointments system has been designed to provide more choice and flexibility to patients. It allows patients to exercise choice of doctors and therefore facilitates a seamless appointment and booking process. Patients will be able to choose from a range of hospitals as well as choose a convenient date and time for an appointment to see a specialist.
Current Process
The current process for Referral is manual in nature where a General Practitioner refers to a Hospital or Consultant and the patient does not have the choice to the same.
New System
Mission: "Every hospital appointment will be booked for the convenience of the patient, making it easier for patients and their GPs to choose the hospital and Hospital Consultant that best meets their needs".
Actors / System Components
The following actors/system components are involved in the various business scenarios in the application
1. Patient
2. General Practitioner - Provides general treatment services to a patient. Makes the decision to refer a patient to a service provider. Creates an E-Appointment himself or delegates to a referring clinician.
3. Referring Clinician – Creates an E-Appointment in consultation with the patient.
4. Booking Management System (BMS) – It is a contact centre or similar that any relevant party can contact to change, cancel or query an E-Appointment.
5. BMS Staff – Represents the human contact of the booking management system. A patient can contact him over the phone to change, cancel or query an E-Appointment.
6. Notification Agent – It is a system component at the BMS that is responsible for generating email alerts and reminders for actors involved in an E-Appointment.
7. Service Provider – It is an organization (hospital, clinic) that provides specialized clinical services and allows patients to book appointment slots.
8. Service Provider Clinician – Represents the human contact of the service provider. Manages the publishing and updating of services for the service provider. He also is responsible for approving or rejecting appointment slot bookings.
9. Slot Scheduling Agent – It is a system component in the Service Provider system that generates E-Appointment slots automatically and manages their availability.
Basic Booking Process
Business Scenarios – Summary List
1.1. General Practitioner (GP) / Referring Clinician
Scenario Description
i. View Appointment(s) Views – Pending, Booked, Approved, Rejected, Cancelled
ii. Create New Appointment
iii. Select Service Provider Based on Specialty, Clinic Types, Keywords and Patient Preferences
iv. Associate Prescription Patient Info – Implemented as comments
v. Book Appointment Book an appointment – confirm the slot
vi. Cancel Appointment Cancel an existing appointment
vii. Re-book Appointment Only change the slot
1.2. Patient
i. View Appointment(s) Views – Pending, Booked, Approved, Rejected, Cancelled
ii. Cancel Appointment Cancel an existing appointment
1.3. Service Provider Clinician
i. View Appointment(s) Views – Booked, Approved, Rejected, Cancelled
ii. Approve Appointment Approve an appointment (Accept it)
iii. Reject Appointment Reject an appointment
iv. Publish Services Add/Update the directory of services
1.4. BMS Staff
i. View Appointment(s) Views – Pending, Booked, Approved, Rejected, Cancelled
ii. Query Available Slots Based on Date Range, Week Days
iii. Book Appointment Book an appointment – confirm the slot
iv. Cancel Appointment Cancel an existing appointment
v. Re-book Appointment Only change the slot
1.5. Scheduling Service
i. Generate Appointment Slots
1.6. Notification Agent
i. Generate Alerts Tied to appointment workflow – only emails
ii. Generate Reminders Reminder based on patient preference – only emails
Business Scenarios - Details
1. View Appointments
Description Provides the user with a list of appointments to view
Primary Actor: General Practitioner (GP), Patient, Service Provider Clinician (SPC), BMS Staff (BMS)
Sequence: 1. The actor is presented with a list of appointments based upon his security (See Appendix B).
2. The actor can filter the list of appointments based upon the following views
a. All Appointments
b. Past Appointments
c. Future Appointments
d. By Appointment Status
3. The actor can perform the following actions
a. Create a new Appointment
b. Change the status of an appointment (See Appendix A)
Precondition None
Main Success Scenario: The actor is able to view an appointment or list of appointments by using the various views.
Extensions Create a New Appointment, Book an Appointment, Cancel an Appointment, Re-book an Appointment
2. Create New Appointment
Description Create a new appointment for a patient
Primary Actor: GP
Sequence: 1. The actor selects the patient for whom the new appointment needs to be created.
2. The new appointment is not saved until the user selects a service provider (See Use Case 4).
Precondition None
Main Success Scenario: A new appointment is successfully created (not saved yet).
Extensions Select Service Provider, Associate Prescription with Appointment
3. Associate Prescription with Appointment
Description GP wants to associate patient clinical information (e.g. medical history, preliminary diagnosis etc.) with the appointment
Primary Actor: GP
Sequence: 1. The actor associates patient clinical information as comments with the appointment.
2. The comments can be updated/ added at any time unless the appointment has not elapsed or cancelled or rejected. The appointment state does not change in this case.
(The current scope only supports associating patient information in the form of comments. Adding documents and medical images is out of scope)
Precondition Create New Appointment
Main Success Scenario: Comments are successfully associated with the appointment.
Extensions None
4. Select Service Provider
Description GP selects a service provider based on the patient clinical requirements and location preferences.
Primary Actor: GP
Sequence: 1. Search for a service provider based upon
a. Specialty – (E.g. – Cardiology)
b. Clinic Type – (E.g. – Hypertension)
c. Keywords – (E.g. – Transport available)
d. Location Preferences of the patient (E.g. – 2 Miles within a zip code)
2. The system will provide a list of service providers based upon the search filters. The list will be sorted by default by location.
3. Select the appropriate service provider from the list. (Comparison of service providers for selection is out of scope)
4. Save the appointment. The appointment is now pending. A slot for the appointment can be booked at a later date by the patient.
5. A unique identifier called UBRN (Unique Booking Reference Number) is generated to identify the appointment. This number is then used for all future references to change/update the appointment.
6. Alternately, you can book a slot for the appointment.
Precondition Create New Appointment
Main Success Scenario: The service provider has been successfully selected.
Extensions Book an Appointment
7. Book an Appointment
Description Book an appointment slot with the selected service provider
Primary Actor: GP, BMS
Sequence: 1. Provide appointment slot preferences which includes
a. Date Range – The start and end date during with the slot is preferred
b. Week Days – Selection of one or more week days during which the slot is preferred
2. The system provides a list of matching appointment slots.
3. The actor (after consulting the patient) chooses a slot to book for the appointment.
4. The system then provides an appointment summary. The UBRN number associated the appointment is used for all future references to change/update the appointment.
5. The appointment slot status is updated and it is now closed for booking.
Precondition Select Service Provider
Main Success Scenario: The appointment has been successfully booked and the slot has been confirmed (Note that the SPC can still approve or reject the appointment).
Extensions Generate Alerts
8. Cancel an Appointment
Description Cancel a booked or approved appointment
Primary Actor: GP, SPC, Patient
Sequence: 1. Select the patient for whom you want to cancel the appointment (only for GP, SPC).
2. Select the appointment you want to cancel based on the UBRN No from the list of available appointments. This appointment should be pending, booked or approved. No other appointment states are valid here.
3. If the service provider cancellation policy does not allow cancellation of appointments x hours before the scheduled date and time, the system will not allow the appointment to be cancelled.
4. Cancel the appointment and provide the reasons for the cancellation. The reason is mandatory.
5. The appointment slot status is updated and the slot is now available for booking.
Precondition Create an Appointment or Book an Appointment or Approve Appointment
Main Success Scenario: The appointment has been successfully cancelled. Alerts are sent to the appropriate actors.
Extensions Generate Alerts
9. Re-book an Appointment
Description Re-book an already booked, approved or rejected appointment. Only the appointment slot can be changed. No changes to service provider selection can be made in this case.
Primary Actor: GP, BMS
Sequence: 1. Select the patient for whom you want to re-book the appointment.
2. Select the appointment you want to re-book based on the UBRN No from the list of available appointments. This appointment should be booked or approved. No other appointment states are valid here.
3. Query available slots based upon
a. Date Range – The start and end date during with the slot is preferred
b. Week Days – Selection of one or more week days during which the slot is preferred
6. The system provides a list of matching appointment slots.
7. The actor (after consulting the patient) chooses a slot to book for the appointment.
4. The system then provides an appointment summary notifying the change in the slot.
5. The appointment slot status is updated accordingly. The original slot now becomes available and the new slot is closed for booking.
Precondition Book an Appointment or Approve an Appointment
Main Success Scenario: The appointment has been successfully cancelled. Alerts are sent to the appropriate actors.
Extensions Generate Alerts
10. Approve Appointment
Description Approve an appointment that has been booked or an appointment that was rejected earlier
Primary Actor: SPC
Sequence: 1. Select the appointment you want to approve based on the UBRN No from the list of available appointments.
2. Approve the appointment and provide the comments (if any) to associate with the status change.
3. The appointment slot status is updated and is now closed for booking.
Precondition Book an Appointment or Reject an Appointment
Main Success Scenario: The appointment has been successfully approved. Alerts are sent to the appropriate actors.
Extensions Generate Alerts
11. Reject Appointment
Description Reject an appointment that has been booked or an appointment that was approved earlier
Primary Actor: SPC
Sequence: 1. Select the appointment you want to reject based on the UBRN No from the list of available appointments.
2. Reject the appointment and provide the reasons for the rejection. The reason is mandatory.
3. The appointment slot status is updated and it is now available for booking.
Precondition Book an Appointment or Approve an Appointment
Main Success Scenario: The appointment has been successfully rejected. Alerts are sent to the appropriate actors.
Extensions Generate Alerts
12. Publish Services
Description A service provider wishes to publish the set of services provided so as to allow patients to book appointment slots with them.
Primary Actor: SPC
Sequence: 1. To publish the services of a new service provider the SPC needs to provide the following information
a. Specialties and associated Clinic Types
b. Location (With Lat. Long. Coordinates) (To be used for location based search)
c. Keywords (To be used during keyword search)
i. Conditions Treated
ii. Procedures Performed
iii. Exclusions
iv. Alternative Services
2. When all the information has been provided, the new service provider gets added to the directory of service providers in the BMS.
Precondition None
Main Success Scenario: The service provider has been successfully added to the list of providers along with the available services. The service provider comes up in the search results when a search is made based on the available services.
Extensions Generate Appointment Slots
13. Generate Appointment Slots
Description A service provider wishes to generate and maintain the availability of appointment slots so as to allow patients to book appointment slots with them.
Primary Actor: Scheduling Service
Sequence: 1. The scheduling service, when run (say once a week), will generate a list of appointment slots x days in advance.
2. Slots will be generated for every clinic type based upon the following parameters
a. No. of slots per clinic type
b. Duration of each slot ( E.g. – 30 minutes or 1 hour)
c. Day Start Time (E.g. 8 AM)
d. Day End Time (E.g. 6 PM)
e. Week Days (E.g. Mon – Fri)
Precondition Publish Services
Main Success Scenario: Appointment slots have been successfully created for at least x days in advance.
Extensions Approve an Appointment or Reject an Appointment
14. Generate Alerts
Description Alerts need to be sent out to the patient, SPC or GP when the state of an appointment changes.
Primary Actor: Notification Agent
Sequence: 1. The notification agent, when scheduled to run, will check if any alerts need to be generated for an appointment.
2. If the appointment state has changed (Refer Appendix A), alerts will be sent to actors as identified in the email action.
Precondition Create an Appointment, Book an Appointment, Cancel an Appointment, Re-book an Appointment, Approve an Appointment, Reject an Appointment
Main Success Scenario: Alerts have been successfully sent to the patient, SPC or GP based upon the appointment state changes.
Extensions None
15. Generate Reminders
Description Reminders need to be sent out to the patient and the SPC x hours before the actual appointment date
Primary Actor: Notification Agent
Sequence: 1. The notification agent, when scheduled to run, will check if any reminders need to be generated for an appointment.
2. If yes, reminders are sent out to the patient and SPC as an email with the appointment summary.
Precondition None
Main Success Scenario: Reminders have been successfully sent to the patient and SPC
Extensions None
Appendix A – Appointment Work Flow
Appointment States
• Pending – Appointment created and the service provider has been selected but an appointment slot is yet to be booked.
• Booked – An appointment with an appointment slot booked with a service provider.
• Approved – An appointment that been approved by a Service Provider Clinician (SPC).
• Rejected – An appointment that has been rejected by a Service Provider Clinician (SPC).
• Cancelled – An appointment that has been cancelled.
• Elapsed – An appointment that has elapsed (Past appointment).
Appointment Work Flow
Action State Changes User Email Action
Create None –> Pending Ref. BMS None
Book Pending - > Booked Ref, BMS Ref, SPC, P
Approve Booked -> Approved SPC P
Rejected -> Approved SPC P
Reject Booked -> Rejected SPC P
Approved -> Rejected SPC P
Re-Book Booked -> Booked (No Change) Ref, BMS, P SPC, P
Rejected -> Booked Ref, BMS, P SPC, P
Approved -> Booked Ref, BMS, P SPC, P
Cancelled Booked -> Cancelled Ref, BMS, P Ref, SPC, P
Approved -> Cancelled Ref, BMS, P Ref, SPC, P
Pending -> Cancelled Ref, BMS, P Ref, P
Appendix B – User Security
The table below provides the role-based access to information within the E-Appointments system
Role Access
Patient His own data
General Practitioner Data of patients in his list (enrolled at his clinic)
Service Provider Clinician Data of patients who booked an appointment
BMS Staff Any patient data
The Department of Health for one of the developed countries is trying to bring the doctors and patients together into a single market place. According to their research, patients want to be more involved in making decisions and choosing their healthcare.
Most of the patients who are offered a choice of hospital view the experience as positive and valuable.
Keeping this in mind, the E-Appointments system has been designed to provide more choice and flexibility to patients. It allows patients to exercise choice of doctors and therefore facilitates a seamless appointment and booking process. Patients will be able to choose from a range of hospitals as well as choose a convenient date and time for an appointment to see a specialist.
Current Process
The current process for Referral is manual in nature where a General Practitioner refers to a Hospital or Consultant and the patient does not have the choice to the same.
New System
Mission: "Every hospital appointment will be booked for the convenience of the patient, making it easier for patients and their GPs to choose the hospital and Hospital Consultant that best meets their needs".
Actors / System Components
The following actors/system components are involved in the various business scenarios in the application
1. Patient
2. General Practitioner - Provides general treatment services to a patient. Makes the decision to refer a patient to a service provider. Creates an E-Appointment himself or delegates to a referring clinician.
3. Referring Clinician – Creates an E-Appointment in consultation with the patient.
4. Booking Management System (BMS) – It is a contact centre or similar that any relevant party can contact to change, cancel or query an E-Appointment.
5. BMS Staff – Represents the human contact of the booking management system. A patient can contact him over the phone to change, cancel or query an E-Appointment.
6. Notification Agent – It is a system component at the BMS that is responsible for generating email alerts and reminders for actors involved in an E-Appointment.
7. Service Provider – It is an organization (hospital, clinic) that provides specialized clinical services and allows patients to book appointment slots.
8. Service Provider Clinician – Represents the human contact of the service provider. Manages the publishing and updating of services for the service provider. He also is responsible for approving or rejecting appointment slot bookings.
9. Slot Scheduling Agent – It is a system component in the Service Provider system that generates E-Appointment slots automatically and manages their availability.
Basic Booking Process
Business Scenarios – Summary List
1.1. General Practitioner (GP) / Referring Clinician
Scenario Description
i. View Appointment(s) Views – Pending, Booked, Approved, Rejected, Cancelled
ii. Create New Appointment
iii. Select Service Provider Based on Specialty, Clinic Types, Keywords and Patient Preferences
iv. Associate Prescription Patient Info – Implemented as comments
v. Book Appointment Book an appointment – confirm the slot
vi. Cancel Appointment Cancel an existing appointment
vii. Re-book Appointment Only change the slot
1.2. Patient
i. View Appointment(s) Views – Pending, Booked, Approved, Rejected, Cancelled
ii. Cancel Appointment Cancel an existing appointment
1.3. Service Provider Clinician
i. View Appointment(s) Views – Booked, Approved, Rejected, Cancelled
ii. Approve Appointment Approve an appointment (Accept it)
iii. Reject Appointment Reject an appointment
iv. Publish Services Add/Update the directory of services
1.4. BMS Staff
i. View Appointment(s) Views – Pending, Booked, Approved, Rejected, Cancelled
ii. Query Available Slots Based on Date Range, Week Days
iii. Book Appointment Book an appointment – confirm the slot
iv. Cancel Appointment Cancel an existing appointment
v. Re-book Appointment Only change the slot
1.5. Scheduling Service
i. Generate Appointment Slots
1.6. Notification Agent
i. Generate Alerts Tied to appointment workflow – only emails
ii. Generate Reminders Reminder based on patient preference – only emails
Business Scenarios - Details
1. View Appointments
Description Provides the user with a list of appointments to view
Primary Actor: General Practitioner (GP), Patient, Service Provider Clinician (SPC), BMS Staff (BMS)
Sequence: 1. The actor is presented with a list of appointments based upon his security (See Appendix B).
2. The actor can filter the list of appointments based upon the following views
a. All Appointments
b. Past Appointments
c. Future Appointments
d. By Appointment Status
3. The actor can perform the following actions
a. Create a new Appointment
b. Change the status of an appointment (See Appendix A)
Precondition None
Main Success Scenario: The actor is able to view an appointment or list of appointments by using the various views.
Extensions Create a New Appointment, Book an Appointment, Cancel an Appointment, Re-book an Appointment
2. Create New Appointment
Description Create a new appointment for a patient
Primary Actor: GP
Sequence: 1. The actor selects the patient for whom the new appointment needs to be created.
2. The new appointment is not saved until the user selects a service provider (See Use Case 4).
Precondition None
Main Success Scenario: A new appointment is successfully created (not saved yet).
Extensions Select Service Provider, Associate Prescription with Appointment
3. Associate Prescription with Appointment
Description GP wants to associate patient clinical information (e.g. medical history, preliminary diagnosis etc.) with the appointment
Primary Actor: GP
Sequence: 1. The actor associates patient clinical information as comments with the appointment.
2. The comments can be updated/ added at any time unless the appointment has not elapsed or cancelled or rejected. The appointment state does not change in this case.
(The current scope only supports associating patient information in the form of comments. Adding documents and medical images is out of scope)
Precondition Create New Appointment
Main Success Scenario: Comments are successfully associated with the appointment.
Extensions None
4. Select Service Provider
Description GP selects a service provider based on the patient clinical requirements and location preferences.
Primary Actor: GP
Sequence: 1. Search for a service provider based upon
a. Specialty – (E.g. – Cardiology)
b. Clinic Type – (E.g. – Hypertension)
c. Keywords – (E.g. – Transport available)
d. Location Preferences of the patient (E.g. – 2 Miles within a zip code)
2. The system will provide a list of service providers based upon the search filters. The list will be sorted by default by location.
3. Select the appropriate service provider from the list. (Comparison of service providers for selection is out of scope)
4. Save the appointment. The appointment is now pending. A slot for the appointment can be booked at a later date by the patient.
5. A unique identifier called UBRN (Unique Booking Reference Number) is generated to identify the appointment. This number is then used for all future references to change/update the appointment.
6. Alternately, you can book a slot for the appointment.
Precondition Create New Appointment
Main Success Scenario: The service provider has been successfully selected.
Extensions Book an Appointment
7. Book an Appointment
Description Book an appointment slot with the selected service provider
Primary Actor: GP, BMS
Sequence: 1. Provide appointment slot preferences which includes
a. Date Range – The start and end date during with the slot is preferred
b. Week Days – Selection of one or more week days during which the slot is preferred
2. The system provides a list of matching appointment slots.
3. The actor (after consulting the patient) chooses a slot to book for the appointment.
4. The system then provides an appointment summary. The UBRN number associated the appointment is used for all future references to change/update the appointment.
5. The appointment slot status is updated and it is now closed for booking.
Precondition Select Service Provider
Main Success Scenario: The appointment has been successfully booked and the slot has been confirmed (Note that the SPC can still approve or reject the appointment).
Extensions Generate Alerts
8. Cancel an Appointment
Description Cancel a booked or approved appointment
Primary Actor: GP, SPC, Patient
Sequence: 1. Select the patient for whom you want to cancel the appointment (only for GP, SPC).
2. Select the appointment you want to cancel based on the UBRN No from the list of available appointments. This appointment should be pending, booked or approved. No other appointment states are valid here.
3. If the service provider cancellation policy does not allow cancellation of appointments x hours before the scheduled date and time, the system will not allow the appointment to be cancelled.
4. Cancel the appointment and provide the reasons for the cancellation. The reason is mandatory.
5. The appointment slot status is updated and the slot is now available for booking.
Precondition Create an Appointment or Book an Appointment or Approve Appointment
Main Success Scenario: The appointment has been successfully cancelled. Alerts are sent to the appropriate actors.
Extensions Generate Alerts
9. Re-book an Appointment
Description Re-book an already booked, approved or rejected appointment. Only the appointment slot can be changed. No changes to service provider selection can be made in this case.
Primary Actor: GP, BMS
Sequence: 1. Select the patient for whom you want to re-book the appointment.
2. Select the appointment you want to re-book based on the UBRN No from the list of available appointments. This appointment should be booked or approved. No other appointment states are valid here.
3. Query available slots based upon
a. Date Range – The start and end date during with the slot is preferred
b. Week Days – Selection of one or more week days during which the slot is preferred
6. The system provides a list of matching appointment slots.
7. The actor (after consulting the patient) chooses a slot to book for the appointment.
4. The system then provides an appointment summary notifying the change in the slot.
5. The appointment slot status is updated accordingly. The original slot now becomes available and the new slot is closed for booking.
Precondition Book an Appointment or Approve an Appointment
Main Success Scenario: The appointment has been successfully cancelled. Alerts are sent to the appropriate actors.
Extensions Generate Alerts
10. Approve Appointment
Description Approve an appointment that has been booked or an appointment that was rejected earlier
Primary Actor: SPC
Sequence: 1. Select the appointment you want to approve based on the UBRN No from the list of available appointments.
2. Approve the appointment and provide the comments (if any) to associate with the status change.
3. The appointment slot status is updated and is now closed for booking.
Precondition Book an Appointment or Reject an Appointment
Main Success Scenario: The appointment has been successfully approved. Alerts are sent to the appropriate actors.
Extensions Generate Alerts
11. Reject Appointment
Description Reject an appointment that has been booked or an appointment that was approved earlier
Primary Actor: SPC
Sequence: 1. Select the appointment you want to reject based on the UBRN No from the list of available appointments.
2. Reject the appointment and provide the reasons for the rejection. The reason is mandatory.
3. The appointment slot status is updated and it is now available for booking.
Precondition Book an Appointment or Approve an Appointment
Main Success Scenario: The appointment has been successfully rejected. Alerts are sent to the appropriate actors.
Extensions Generate Alerts
12. Publish Services
Description A service provider wishes to publish the set of services provided so as to allow patients to book appointment slots with them.
Primary Actor: SPC
Sequence: 1. To publish the services of a new service provider the SPC needs to provide the following information
a. Specialties and associated Clinic Types
b. Location (With Lat. Long. Coordinates) (To be used for location based search)
c. Keywords (To be used during keyword search)
i. Conditions Treated
ii. Procedures Performed
iii. Exclusions
iv. Alternative Services
2. When all the information has been provided, the new service provider gets added to the directory of service providers in the BMS.
Precondition None
Main Success Scenario: The service provider has been successfully added to the list of providers along with the available services. The service provider comes up in the search results when a search is made based on the available services.
Extensions Generate Appointment Slots
13. Generate Appointment Slots
Description A service provider wishes to generate and maintain the availability of appointment slots so as to allow patients to book appointment slots with them.
Primary Actor: Scheduling Service
Sequence: 1. The scheduling service, when run (say once a week), will generate a list of appointment slots x days in advance.
2. Slots will be generated for every clinic type based upon the following parameters
a. No. of slots per clinic type
b. Duration of each slot ( E.g. – 30 minutes or 1 hour)
c. Day Start Time (E.g. 8 AM)
d. Day End Time (E.g. 6 PM)
e. Week Days (E.g. Mon – Fri)
Precondition Publish Services
Main Success Scenario: Appointment slots have been successfully created for at least x days in advance.
Extensions Approve an Appointment or Reject an Appointment
14. Generate Alerts
Description Alerts need to be sent out to the patient, SPC or GP when the state of an appointment changes.
Primary Actor: Notification Agent
Sequence: 1. The notification agent, when scheduled to run, will check if any alerts need to be generated for an appointment.
2. If the appointment state has changed (Refer Appendix A), alerts will be sent to actors as identified in the email action.
Precondition Create an Appointment, Book an Appointment, Cancel an Appointment, Re-book an Appointment, Approve an Appointment, Reject an Appointment
Main Success Scenario: Alerts have been successfully sent to the patient, SPC or GP based upon the appointment state changes.
Extensions None
15. Generate Reminders
Description Reminders need to be sent out to the patient and the SPC x hours before the actual appointment date
Primary Actor: Notification Agent
Sequence: 1. The notification agent, when scheduled to run, will check if any reminders need to be generated for an appointment.
2. If yes, reminders are sent out to the patient and SPC as an email with the appointment summary.
Precondition None
Main Success Scenario: Reminders have been successfully sent to the patient and SPC
Extensions None
Appendix A – Appointment Work Flow
Appointment States
• Pending – Appointment created and the service provider has been selected but an appointment slot is yet to be booked.
• Booked – An appointment with an appointment slot booked with a service provider.
• Approved – An appointment that been approved by a Service Provider Clinician (SPC).
• Rejected – An appointment that has been rejected by a Service Provider Clinician (SPC).
• Cancelled – An appointment that has been cancelled.
• Elapsed – An appointment that has elapsed (Past appointment).
Appointment Work Flow
Action State Changes User Email Action
Create None –> Pending Ref. BMS None
Book Pending - > Booked Ref, BMS Ref, SPC, P
Approve Booked -> Approved SPC P
Rejected -> Approved SPC P
Reject Booked -> Rejected SPC P
Approved -> Rejected SPC P
Re-Book Booked -> Booked (No Change) Ref, BMS, P SPC, P
Rejected -> Booked Ref, BMS, P SPC, P
Approved -> Booked Ref, BMS, P SPC, P
Cancelled Booked -> Cancelled Ref, BMS, P Ref, SPC, P
Approved -> Cancelled Ref, BMS, P Ref, SPC, P
Pending -> Cancelled Ref, BMS, P Ref, P
Appendix B – User Security
The table below provides the role-based access to information within the E-Appointments system
Role Access
Patient His own data
General Practitioner Data of patients in his list (enrolled at his clinic)
Service Provider Clinician Data of patients who booked an appointment
BMS Staff Any patient data